Sign Up Today for Our Council Recognition Reception Happening on May 3

Let’s Celebrate!

The New Birth of Freedom Council would like to invite you to our annual Council Recognition Reception on Saturday, May 3, at Camp Tuckahoe, 400 Tuckahoe Rd, Dillsburg, PA 17019

The highlights of the evening will be honoring our newest recipients of the District Award of Merit and the highest award that a local council can present to its volunteers, The Silver Beaver.

The cost for the event is $10. Check-in will begin at 6:30 pm. The awards program starts at 7 PM immediately followed by the reception to congratulate all our fellow Scouters who are making Scouting great in our Council. Register Here.

For this year’s cake and pie reception, we include as an extra incentive that anyone who provides a freshly baked cake or pie can attend the reception for free, along with a plus one. So Ready! Set! Bake!!!

  • Cake & Pie Details
    • Fresh Homemade.
    • Feed a minimum of 8 people.
    • Need to provide a complete list of ingredients in the cake.
    • Need to be there by 6:45 PM.

Please make an evening out of celebrating your friends in Scouting. Friends, Scouts, and family members are welcome to this special event honoring our Volunteers. Registration deadline is Friday, April 25.