Scouts BSA Handicraft – Tuckahoe

Handicraft 900x600


Explains the use of weaving and basket making. The cost for a basketry and stool kit and other materials to weave a chair seat will cost approximately $22 and can be purchased at the Trading Post. Requires work outside of class.

LEATHER WORKhandicraft building

Explain the use of leather and tooling, stamping and dyeing. Scouts will need notes stating that they take care of their shoes and other leather goods at home. Scrap leather and tools will be provided. Kits are not required but may be purchased in the Trading Post at a cost of about $11.


Scouts get excited about this badge as they build and launch model rockets. Rockets are sold in the trading post, but Scouts may want to bring their own. Supplies cost about $12. Rocket engines can be purchased at the Trading Post and are issued by the Handcraft Director. If engines are brought from home, the Handcraft Director must store them.


Scouts must have taken ―Totin‘ Chip training and must bring the card. Badge covers knife safety and care. He will need a good knife for carving or money to purchase one at camp. Slides to be carved are available at the Trading Post; cost for this merit badge will be about $6.00. It is a good idea to bring a whittling knife or an X-acto knife set with you to camp.


The Handicraft Area will have many exciting options for open program this year including tie-dye materials. The shirts may be purchased in the Trading Post. There will be other skill related activities.