Special Needs Scouting Alternate Rank Requirements


Alternate Rank Requirements for
Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class Ranks

A Scout who has a permanent physical or mental disability and is unable to complete all of the requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank may submit a request to the council advancement committee to complete alternate requirements. Below are the procedures for applying for alternate requirements.

To keep Scouts with disabilities as much in the advancement mainstream as possible, some advancement accommodations may be required. Thus, a Scout in a wheelchair can meet the requirements for hiking by making a trip to a place of interest in his community. Giving more time and permitting the use of special aids are other ways leaders can help Scouts with disabilities in their efforts to advance. The substitute should provide a similar learning experience. Bear in mind the outcome of the Scouting experience should be one of fun and learning, and not completing requirements for rank advancements, which might place unrealistic expectations on the special-needs Scout.

Step 1—Do As Many Standard Requirements As Possible.
Before applying for alternate requirements, the Scout must complete as many of the standard requirements as his ability permits. The Scout must do his very best to develop himself to the limit of his or her abilities and resources.

Step 2—Secure a Medical Statement.
A clear and concise medical statement concerning the Scout’s disabilities must be submitted by a licensed health-care provider. It must state that the disability is permanent and outline what physical activities the Scout may not be capable of completing. In the case of a mental disability, an evaluation statement should be submitted by a certified educational administrator relating to the ability level of the Scout.

Step 3—Prepare a Request for Alternate Requirements.
A written request must be submitted to the council advancement committee for the Scout to work on alternate requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. The request should include the standard requirements the Scout has completed and the suggested alternate requirements for those requirements the Scout cannot complete. This request should be detailed enough to give the advancement committee enough information to make a decision. The request should be prepared by the Scout, his parents, and his Scoutmaster. A copy of the medical statement in step 2 should be included.

The document you will want to use is the Individual Scout Advancement Plan.

Step 4—The Advancement Committee Reviews the Request.
The council advancement committee should review the request, utilizing the expertise of professional persons involved in Scouts with disabilities. The advancement committee may want to interview the Scout, the parents, and the leader to fully understand the request and to make a fair determination. The decision of the advancement committee should be recorded and delivered to the Scout and the Scoutmaster.