2024 Memorial Mall Ceremony

Camp Tuckahoe Memorial Mall Ceremony Application

Join us on Sunday, August 18th, at 4 pm for the annual Memorial Mall Ceremony at Camp Tuckahoe. This time-honored tradition pays tribute to the legacy of Scouts and Scouters who have passed away, leaving an indelible mark on our council’s history.

Throughout the years, the Memorial Mall has been lovingly maintained, thanks in part to the generosity of individuals like Dave Glatfelter, a stalwart supporter of scouting in our council. His legacy ensures that this sacred space remains a place of reverence and reflection for generations to come.

As we gather for this 2024 Memorial Mall Ceremony, let us honor the legacy of those who have gone before us and recommit ourselves to the principles of scouting. Together, we carry forward the spirit of service, leadership, and camaraderie that defines our scouting community.