
New Advancements – Attend Tiger Camp

In 2024, our council will host a Tiger Cub Camp for Parents and Tiger Scouts!  This camp is intended for those youth and parents that participated in the Lion Program during the 2022-23 school year and will be Tiger Cubs this fall. This camping adventure will be offered on July 20-21, 2024, at Hidden Valley...

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Timber Cutting at Hidden Valley – Volunteers Needed

  A new timbering project is now underway at Hidden Valley to remove tall, dangerous old-growth trees from campsites.  Having been planted in the 60’s many of the trees have reached full maturity. As the trees mature the tops of the trees break off or drop branches posing a risk to campers.  Over the past...

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Make A Difference at Camp – Sign Up for Ranger Work Day

Ranger Work Days are mini beaver days to keep council property maintenance on track. Individuals or entire units can attend. Tasks can include construction projects, painting, cleaning, tent repair, etc. We offer projects for every skill level. All adults in attendance must have Pennsylvania State clearances. Hidden Valley: First Saturday of every month Camp Tuckahoe: ...

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