Troops 173 and 175 will host the annual Wilderness Survival Merit Badge event at Hidden Valley Scout Reservation from October 18 to 20, 2024. This two-night campout will focus on outdoor survival skills and shelter-building. Please register through Tentaroo at https://nbf.tentaroo.com.
Key Details
- Cost: $15 per Scout for the merit badge; $5 per adult for the event patch.
- Check-In: Friday night, 7-9 PM, at Kiwanis 2 (K2) campsite. Provide completed blue cards for Scouts.
Saturday Schedule
- 8:30-10:30 AM: Classes at the dining hall.
- 11:00 AM-12:30 PM: Scouts return to campsites for lunch and shelter-building.
- 12:45 PM: Meet at the boat docks field for round-robin skills training (six 30-minute stations).
- After 4:30 PM: Scouts finish shelters, prepare dinner, and sleep in shelters.
Sunday Schedule
- 7:00 AM: Scouts dismantle shelters and clean areas.
- 8:00-9:00 AM: Scoutmasters pick up completed blue cards at K2 after verifying overnight shelter stay.
- 10:00 AM: Event concludes; troops depart.