Registration closes on 10/24/2024; after this date, please contact us directly!
Halloween Day 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Camp Tuckahoe
10 AM - 5 PM
Halloween Day is open to ALL Cub Scouts, Webelos, parents, siblings, & leaders. Don’t forget to come in costume for a special treat!
The cost is $20 per Scout, $15 per sibling (5 and older), and $15 per adult. Scouts and siblings will be able to participate fully in all activities. The cost covers supplies and materials for the day as well as lunch around noon. Groups with a later start time are encouraged to eat before arrival and make note of dinner not being provided. All payments are non-refundable & non-transferable.
Interested in Volunteering?
If you or your Troop/Crew is interested in volunteering Halloween Staff, sign up today!
Contact the Camping Department at (717) 620-4525 or camping@newbirthoffreedom.org
All participants are expected to follow the New Birth of Freedom Council Camp Rules. Details can be found at http://newbirthoffreedom.org/camps/camp-rules/.