Training Resources

Trained Scout leaders deliver a high-quality, engaging program for youth by understanding the “whys” and “hows” of Scouting. This knowledge enables leaders to effectively utilize resources, enhancing the program’s impact and ensuring it meets Scouting’s goals of citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Additionally, trained leaders are more confident in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.

The Basic Leader Training program is designed for efficiency, allowing leaders to progress quickly and with minimal redundancy. It starts with mandatory Youth Protection Training, available online, and then follows a tailored pathway that addresses the specific needs and roles of each leader.

What Training Do I Need To Take To Be Considered Fully Trained For My Position?

Cubmasters and Assistant Cubmasters are considered trained when they have completed these courses:

Cub Scout Den Leaders are considered trained when they have completed these courses:

Cub Scout Committee Members are considered trained when they have completed these courses:

Scoutmasters and  Assistant Scoutmasters are considered trained when they have completed these courses:

Troop Committee Members are considered trained when they complete these courses:

Venturing Crew Advisors and Associate Advisors are considered trained when they have completed these courses:

Venturing Crew Committee Chairs and Committee Members are considered trained when they have completed these training’s:

Youth Protection Training Required For All Leaders

All adults wanting to become a leader must take youth protection training before submitting an adult application.  This training can be taken online by creating an account at  Please print out the youth protection certificate and hand it in with the adult application.

Youth Protection Training must be renewed every two years.

Local Training Opportunities and Registrations

Each link below will allow you to see more information about each course such as the location, time, and who the training applies to.  You may also register for an upcoming session of that specific training.

National Training