

The popcorn and nuts sale prize program is designed to motivate Scouts to achieve higher sales and actively participate in the fundraising process. By encouraging participation, the program helps Scouts develop salesmanship skills while contributing to their unit’s financial goals. In addition to supporting their local Scouting community, Scouts can earn exciting rewards through the Keller Prize Program, along with Top-Selling Performer Prizes provided by the New Birth of Freedom Council.

Unit Commissions

Commissions are based on Show & Sell, Show & Deliver, Take Order, Scout Deliver, and Consignment Sale.

Commission Structure

  • Bronze Level ($0-$3,000) – 30% commission
  • Silver Level ($3,001-$9,999) – 34% commission
  • Gold Level ($10,000-$19,999) – 39% commission
  • Platinum Level (> $20,000) – 44% commission
  • 4% Cash Option: If a unit chooses not to participate in the prize program.