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Getting Started
The Camp Card sale is an easy, low-risk fundraiser ideal for helping Scouts raise money to go to summer camp. Getting started with the sale is simple:
- Step 1 – Set a unit goal. Whether the goal is for each Scout to pay their entire way to summer camp or for the unit to raise needed funds, it is vital to have a goal for the sale.
- Step 2 – Recruit a Unit Camp Card Champion. Every good goal can be achieved with a committed and dynamic leader. Recruit a person or persons to serve as the principal promoter and organizer for the sale. He or she will work closely with the unit leaders planning summer camping trips and the families of Scouts who are looking forward to participating.
- Step 3 – Sign up your unit to participate. We want to share all of the details about the sale with you. Make sure your unit signs up so that we have your contact information and you don’t miss any updates on the sale.
- Step 4 – Place your Camp Card Order. What is your unit goal? How many cards do you need to sell to get there? Based on your goal, you should have a good idea of how many cards you need to be successful. If you have questions, your District Camp Card Champion or District Executive will happily work with you to determine the right amount of cards to get started. Place your order here.
- Step 5 – Develop your Camp Card Plan. What are the dates you will run your sale? Will you sell to all family and friends? Door to door? Virtual contactless? At a storefront? All of the above? Determine all of the details for the sale and communicate to all your Scouts and families. Help the Scouts and their families set their goals!
- Step 6 – Pick up your Camp Cards and work your Plan. Once the camp cards are available, pick up your cards and work your plan. If you run out of camp cards, please reach out immediately, and we will get you more cards!
- January 1 Registration Opens
- February 16 Camp Card Order Due
- March Online Store Opens, Cards Expected for Distribution, and Sales begin
- June 6 – Sale Concludes: all monies, unsold camp cards, and Prize Order Forms due
- Summer 2025 – Scouts enjoy summer camp programs
The base Camp Card commission is 50% on all in-person card sales paid in full by FRIDAY, June 6, 2025. The Scouts earn $2.50 for each of these cards sold. Units keep their Scouts’ share of all sales and pay the Council by check for the due total. Units are encouraged to track their Scouts’ sales so that Scouts can use the proceeds to pay for summer camp. However, it is the responsibility of the unit committee to decide how their unit’s funds are to be used.
Cards sold online, which are $6, give the same $2.50 per card. The additional online cost covers the cost of postage.
BONUS Commission: Units can earn 60% on all in-person card sales paid in full by Saturday, May 31, 2025, and if registered to attend a New Birth of Freedom Council Summer Camp in 2025, it would qualify for this new commission level. Each Scout earns $3.00 for each of these cards sold. Cards sold online for $6 give the same $3.00 per card.
For more information, please read about commissions here.
For all Scouts – Scouts will receive a $25.00 gift card for every 50 camp cards they sell! Scouts may choose gift cards to the Mechanicsburg or York Scout Shops, the trading post at Hidden Valley Scout Reservation, or the trading post at Camp Tuckahoe.
To be eligible, the unit leader or Unit Camp Card Champion must submit the “Prize Verification Form” by Friday, June 6, 2024, when the final payment is due. This can be submitted electronically by clicking the link on this page later in the sale.
Top Selling Scout – The top-selling Scout in each district will receive a free week of camp at a New Birth of Freedom Council summer camp in 2025. This includes Cub Scout or Webelos Resident Camp, Scouts BSA resident camp, Cub Scout Adventure Camp, and National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). The top seller will be reimbursed if full payment is made before qualifying.
Top Selling Unit – The top-selling unit in each district will receive funding to have a pizza party for all of its participating Scouts. The Unit Camp Card Champion will be emailed a gift card voucher from Papa John’s so the party can be held at the unit’s convenience.
Best Practices
From goal setting to best sales techniques. Read more of our Best Practices for a successful Camp Card sale here.
The Camp Card
Don’t forget that there are thousands of offers available online through the Digital Savings Membership included with EVERY card. There are over 500,000 discounts for locations across the county. This means that family and friends in other parts of the country can benefit, too. Check out more information here.