Announcing the 2025 Keystone Capital District Pinewood Derby Championships, to be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025 at the Holy Name of Jesus Church gymnasium at 6150 Allentown Boulevard in Harrisburg.
Races are for the fastest cars in all Keystone Capital District packs. Packs are allowed to register and race a maximum of 18 cars, which are recommended to be your three fastest Lions, three fastest Tigers, three fastest Wolves, three fastest Bears, three fastest Webelos, and three fastest Arrows of Light. Recently graduated Scouts can still race. The car raced or to be raced by the Cub Scout at the pack pinewood derby must be used at the District Championships. No substitutes permitted.
Cubmasters approve who their 18 racers will be. Registration is open on Tentaroo for packs and/or individuals. No refunds after March 10th, but replacements are allowed. Register prior to February 23, 2025 to avoid the late fee.
Make sure your pack is represented by your 18 best racers. Entry fee is $10 per car, and includes a patch, and trophies for the 18 district winners.