Merit Badge Colleges

Information about Merit Badge Colleges

  •  A Merit Badge College or Camporee is defined as a planned and organized standalone event (not part of a District or Council Camporee) with the intent to offer one or more merit badge opportunities under the direction of more than one merit badge counselor to Scouts from 3 or more Scouting units.  This policy specifically applies to current Merit Badge Colleges and Camporees (Newville/Conococheague, East Shore/Keystone Capital, STEM/Pioneer, Carlisle/Troop 168, Troop 90 Merit Badge Camporee) including any future iterations and to new events meeting the same criteria.  This policy and procedure does not apply to a single merit badge counselor offering a single merit badge to Scouts from more than one unit.
    • Examples:
      • A merit badge counselor wishing to offering a single merit badge to the Scouts in his unit and wanting to invite other units in the community may do so without having to submit a form.
      • More than one counselor organize an opportunity for more than one merit badge and choose to offer it to youth in 3 or more units would be required to follow this policy and submit an Application of Intent.


Application of Intent for Merit Badge College-Part 1 of a 2 part approval process.

Merit Badge College Registration Worksheet-Part 2 of the 2 part approval process.

Merit Badge College Policies and Procedures

Merit Badge Group Instruction Guide

MBC Participant Survey-Example survey to use at your Merit Badge College. An electronic version available upon request, please contact Council Advancement Committee Staff Advisor, Cory Kercher at