What is an e-commerce Camp Card Sale?
Originally launched during COVID-19 in 2020, the virtual sale helped provide Scouts with the means of selling Camp Cards without interacting with the public through our web-based store. We have found that this option still provides units and Scouts with an additional tool to sell cards through Social Media and direct email. Both are very popular marketing techniques and, paired with traditional sales methods, can be extremely successful in achieving your goals.
It’s pretty simple in how it works. Scouts or units can invite family, friends, neighbors, and others interested in helping support their Scouting adventures to purchase a Camp Card or Camp Cards online. We have created an online store that offers all 4 versions of our Camp Card. When Scouts invite someone to purchase a card, they must provide their customer with their unit number and the Scout’s name. The order is placed online through the New Birth of Freedom Council store, the council ships the card or cards directly to the customer, and the Scout/unit gets the $2.50 commission per card, just as if they sold it directly to the person. The process is simple and safe; you don’t need physical cards to participate.
How do I participate?
If your unit signs up for the sale, you are automatically entered into participating in the Online Sale. Scouts can direct customers to the online store. While there, customers will need to select the Scout’s unit and will be able to enter the Scout’s name so that we can appropriately credit the sales.
If your unit did not sign up or is unsure whether your unit signed up before then, please have your Unit Camp Card Champion contact our Camp Card Staff Advisor, Brian DeBease, at brian.debease@scouting.org.
How do I find my Unit Code?
Unit codes are simple; they follow the district code and your unit type and number. For example, Battlefield District, Pack 30 is code “BAT Pack 30.”
District Codes are:
- Battlefield – BAT
- Conococheague – CONO
- Heritage Trails – HT
- Keystone Capital – KC
- Pioneer – PIO
Online Sales Tool Kit
Is the commission structure the same?
- Sample Email to customers
- Sample Facebook Post
- Communication for Scouting Families
- Sample Sales Flier
- Social Media Graphics (download these and include them in social media posts or emails to customers)
- Cub Scout Graphics
- Scouts BSA Graphics
- Camp Card Graphics
- General Graphics
The Scout/unit will still receive $2.50 per Camp Card sold. Online Camp Cards will be $6 instead of $5. The additional dollar will cover the cost of postage ($.55) and some of the transaction fee for the credit card purchase.
Scouts can get up to $3.00 per Camp Card sold if the unit plans to attend a New Birth of Freedom Council summer camp program. Get all of the details about the bonus commission here.
How will cards be distributed?
Cards from the New Birth of Freedom Council will be mailed directly to the customer.
If my unit already does something like this, do we have to participate with the Council's online store?
No. If your unit has already set up something like this and you have an inventory of cards, you are welcome to continue using the system you have established. Participating in the council program saves the unit the transaction fees and some headaches in getting things sent out
Will sales through the council site count towards individual and unit prizes?
Absolutely. Scouts must share with customers to enter the unit number and Scout’s name to complete the transaction. We will share the results of their sale with each unit that has online sales so that they can correctly attribute sales to each participating Scout.