Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” Program A Great Opportunity

Our new 38′ climbing tower at Camp Tuckahoe is now in use by our Webelos Scout campers and the 700′ zip line across Memory Lake will make its debut in less than two weeks when Boy Scout sessions get underway.  Personally, I think our Scouts are going to love these two new program features and they will be a big reason to come to Tuckahoe in the years to come.
The New Birth of Freedom Council is currently one of the finalists in the Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” program, competing to secure funding toward the construction of the climbing tower and zip line.  If you’re not already aware of the history, Rutter’s has been a long-term supporter of Camp Tuckahoe, with a recent grant funding the purchase of the paddle boards and paddle boats at Memory Lake, the new buddy board at the waterfront and a number of other items.
When we began the process of looking to secure funding for this project, we worked with a number of potential donors, which is certainly routine. There are never any guarantees that every request we make will be successful or if we’ll receive the full requested amount from those donors who do commit.  Early in the process, we were fortunate to receive a commitment of more than $60,000 from an individual donor. This particular gift came from an estate trust and was already “in the pipeline” even before the Council’s Executive Board had approved seeking funding for the project.
This donor was more than happy to put their contribution toward any of several different projects that we proposed, but thought the zip line and tower were great ideas and once built, would continue to bring in additional campers and revenues to help support Tuckahoe. 
Around this same time, we applied to participate in the Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” program, along with other requests for funding for this project.  Before we learned that the Council was selected as a finalist by Rutter’s, we were confident we had lined up commitments to that would cover the costs of the tower and zip line.
So, when the Council announced our participation in the Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” program, there were a few questions asked about why a project that was not fully funded was already under way or why were we still seeking contributions for a project that was already funded.  Both are understandable questions.
The easiest way to answer those questions is through an example – if the Council is successful in securing this additional funding through the Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” program, our lead donor has stated she would happily see the Council use whatever portion of her contribution that remains for other projects that remain unfunded.  And there are always plenty of those!  If that potential $25,000 donation that is in play can be secured, it’s no small deal.  If the Council ends up not receiving anything from the Rutter’s “Vote With Your Dollars” program, the climbing tower and zip line costs are still covered.
Given the large number of Scouting families that live and work in the area served by Rutter’s, we are asking for our Scouting families to consider supporting our Council’s efforts through this program.  Your purchases at Rutter’s between now and October 31, 2018 count as votes toward receiving this funding toward the zip line and climbing tower.  You can help! 

How to Make Your Purchases Count Toward Funding the New Zip Line

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
  1. Log in to or the Rutter’s mobile app.
  2. Click the “Vote With Your Dollars” button, then Select “New Birth of Freedom Council, Boy Scouts of America” from the list and click the “Support selected charity” button.
  3. Each time you shop at Rutter’s using your Rutter’s Rewards card or Phone Number ID and passcode, it will now count as a vote for the New Birth of Freedom Council, Boy Scouts of America.   If we collect the most votes, our organization will receive a donation from Rutter’s. It’s as easy as that!

Not a Rutter’s Rewards VIP?

Pick up a card at any Rutter’s store.  Go to and register today!  The more votes we get, the better our chances are of receiving the donation from Rutter’s! Please encourage your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors to register their Rutter’s Rewards card and choose New Birth of Freedom Council, Boy Scouts of America from the list so their dollars count as a vote for us too!  Thank you for your continued support. We hope you will consider participating in this program.

We’re Currently In Third Place

As of May 29, the Council is currently in third place and there’s a long way to go between now and the end of October.  If you are a Rutter’s Reward VIP, please consider selecting the New Birth of Freedom Council as your beneficiary.  Or stop by any Rutter’s store and pick up your card today!
Yours in Scouting,
Ron Gardner
Scout Executive & CEO

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