National Night Out…A time for your Pack to shine!

National Night Out…A time for your Pack to shine! 

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019, communities across the country will celebrate National Night Out (NNO). NNO is an annual community building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer, and more caring places to live. 

This is also a perfect opportunity for your Pack to get out and showcase the amazing, exciting and fun things you can offer to hundreds — and even thousands — of families in one evening! 

Here are a few tips for a successful recruitment event at NNO:

  • Contact your local NNO organizer ASAP to request a display space for your Pack
  • Offer for your Pack to lead a flag ceremony at the kick-off of your local NNO
  • Wear your BSA uniforms proudly
  • Make sure to have a few outgoing leaders there to help out. 
  • Consider partnering with a Troop to offer an activity (play Gaga Ball, set up an obstacle course or offer a simple craft) to interact with potential members
  • Think colorful and visual! Set up an attractive display table with things like: a tablecloth, Pack flag and balloons; pens and a notebook to write down names, phone numbers and email addresses of potential members; membership packets in case kids want to join on the spot; a small give-away or treat to hand out such as lollipops or an activity page; create a flyer to hand out with your Pack contact information and the date of your fall recruitment event; and lots of pictures showing all of the fun things kids can expect to do if they join your Pack.
  • Leave the chairs at home because you’ll need to be on your feet to interact with potential members and their parents.
  • Don’t be shy and don’t wait for families to come to you…start a conversation with them! Ask kids if they like things like hiking, camping, fishing and STEM. Then be prepared to show AND tell them how your Pack does those types of fun things. 
  • Try to think like a sales person and think about the way you can “sell” Scouting to kids. Then practice your “pitch” ahead of time. Your goal is to get kids excited about Scouting so talk directly to them. Don’t forget to smile and be upbeat. 
  • Use social media to share the fact that your Pack will be at NNO and encourage people to stop by your table. Afterwards, post pictures to social media.
  • This can’t be stressed enough: It’s imperative that you follow up, follow up, and follow up with all potential leads.

If you’ve done a good job, your feet may be tired, your voice will be a little hoarse from talking to so many families, your notebook will contain some good really leads, and you will hopefully have a completed application or two in your hands. Remember, National Night Out is your Pack’s time to shine, so like our Cub Scout motto goes…DO YOUR BEST!  

Article contributed by Keystone Capital District Membership Chair, Joan Nissley


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