Learn. Challenge. Lead. – Building your Unit Leadership

As we are all impacted by restrictions from the COVID-19 virus, let’s take this opportunity to polish our skills as leaders this month and take advantage of some free online training offered by the BSA.  Set aside a few hours each week and before you know it, you’ll be fully up to speed and ready to share your knowledge with others while leading our youth to be the best scouts they can be.

Learn. Challenge. Lead.

Let these powerful words guide you through the online training resources at https://my.scouting.org.

Here are some quick and easy tips and resources to help guide your journey:

  • If your unit is new to scouting, or you just want a refresher on training requirements click here to see a great overview of what training is required in each scouting position.
  • If you want to take this to the next level, click here for Position Trained Requirements . This is a more detailed guide to specific trainings and the time requirements for each. 
  • In addition to online trainings, the BSA also has a series of Outdoor and Scout Skills Videos
  • Check out these Podcasts for some fresh perspectives in scouting.
  • Planning some camping trips this summer? Then check out Hazardous Weather Training for Direct Contact Leaders. If your position involves directly taking youth on outdoor adventures, you need to be prepared for anything the weather can throw at you. Hazardous Weather training is available on scouting.org in the BSA Learn Center. Click on “Expanded Learning” then “Program Safety” then “Program Safety” again to launch the course. It is required for Cubmasters, Assistant Cubmasters, Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Assistant Crew Advisors

And last, but certainly not least, please visit https://newbirthoffreedom.org/ frequently for the most up to date information concerning any cancellations and changes to upcoming events.

Be safe, and make the most of this time with your family.  And remember, the best leader is a trained leader.


Sue Jacobs
Council Training Chair

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