2020 Camp Card Sale Update

Updated 3-25-20

The 2020 Camp Card Sale had a rocky start as the spread of the coronavirus led to closures shortly after the cards arrived.  Our priority is to make sure that all Scouts and their families are safe and healthy and events and activities do not jeopardize either.  Many units have questions about this year’s sale knowing it is a big part of their unit budget and a primary driver for helping Scouts participate in summer camp programs.  To help get information out to all of our Camp Card units, we put together this FAQ.  Please note that this information is as of March 25 and we may need to update answers to the questions below in the event of extended closures. 

For the most up-to-date information, visit the Camp Card webpage at: https://newbirthoffreedom.org/fundraising/camp-card-sale/

If there are questions that you or your unit has about this year’s sale, please contact Chris Styers at Christopher.styers@scouting.org


Q: If my unit did not get to March roundtable, how can I get my Camp Cards?

A: As of March 17, following Governor Wolf’s directive that non-essential businesses close, the New Birth of Freedom Council Service Centers closed with the intent to reopen on April 1.  As of March 25, both service centers are still scheduled to open on April 1.  Barring no further directives, cards will either be able to be picked up starting on April 1 or arrangements can be made with your District Executive to have them delivered.  If closures are extended beyond April 1 for non-essential businesses, the first date that cards can be picked up will be pushed back until our service centers can reopen. 


Q: Will the Camp Card Sale be extended beyond May 26?

A: Yes, we decided to extend the end of the sale to June 16.  This essentially replaces the 3 weekends of the sale that were lost due to coronavirus related closures.  If there are extended closures, we will consider extending the deadline beyond that date.


Q: Will the deadline to qualify for prizes be extended?

A: Yes, the deadline to qualify for prizes will be extended to the end of the sale, which is currently June 16.


Q: Do units have to wait until June 16 to turn cards in?

A: No, units can return unsold cards and payment for sold cards to either New Birth of Freedom Council Service Center at any point during the sale.


Q: Can my unit get more cards?

A: Yes.  Units can order more cards at https://tinyurl.com/vpgt4d8.  Note: Cards will not be available to pick up until the council service centers reopen. 


Q: Should Scouts be selling camp cards door-to-door or at show and sell locations during this period of closures and quarantines? 

A: No, the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America and the CDC stated, “With safety in mind and based on the guidance from national health officials, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is strongly advising that in-person meetings, activities, events, and gatherings of 10 or more people be suspended through the end of March.” 

Door-to-door sales:  There is not an order in our council to shelter in place, but we are not encouraging Scouts to walk around neighborhoods knocking on doors at this time for the safety of our Scouts and communities.  We don’t want Scouts to unknowingly contract and be a carrier of COVID-19 from house to house in their neighborhood.  This does not mean that Scouts can’t sell to family and friends and people that they know.  Scouts may be able to sell cards to family and friends by making arrangements for dropping off cards and picking up payment while still observing social distancing recommendations. 

Show and Sell sales:  Many retailers that allow show and sells are currently closed and show and sells are not an option.  Retailers that are open, are open because they provide an essential service to the community (i.e. grocery stores and pharmacies). Our transaction capabilities rely on close contact and the exchange of cash or credit cards or phones, and we do not have the ability to provide social distancing safeguards that many of these open retailers have employed.  Additionally, there is no way to tell whether a person entering the retailer is a carrier of the COVID-19 virus, therefore, leading to a Scout unknowingly spread the virus if contracted.


Q: Should units do nothing until the state has declared it safe for businesses to reopen?

A: Not necessarily.  Scouts should not be afraid to reach out to family and friends about purchasing a camp card.  Observing social distancing best practices, it is possible to drop off camp cards and pick up payment without directly interacting with a customer. 

Scouts can share on social media, email, or other electronic means that they are selling camp cards to help support them get to summer camp.  There is nothing that says that a camp card can’t be mailed to a customer with payment being mailed or families using transfer services such as PayPal to collect the cost of the card.  It is important that families who use this method understand how those services work and that they are responsible for any service charges that may be incurred and that they know how they will pay the pack for the share of cards that they sell. 

Though there are retailers on the card that are currently closed, it is important to remember that most offers on the card don’t expire until December 31, 2020.  It is also important to remember that there is an online component of the card.  Scouts can sell cards to people anywhere in the country and provide them with their “Access Code” printed on the front of their card.  Friends and family across the country can use the code to open their SaversGuide account right away and save instantly on thousands of online offers.  These offers are for national retailers and local retailers in their communities.    


Q: Some offers on the cards expire before December 31, 2020, will vendors extend any of their offers?

A: At this point, the printed dates are the official dates for each vendor.  If there is not a printed date, the offer expires on December 31, 2020.  Depending on how long businesses are closed, we will follow up with businesses to see if they would be willing to extend offers beyond the expiration date.


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