Eagle Project Proposal COVID-19

The following information has been compiled for Life Scouts that are prepared to submit an Eagle Scout Project Proposal.  During the governor’s mandated closure of nonessential and non-life-sustaining businesses, the normal process for submitting Eagle Scout Project Proposals to the New Birth of Freedom Council has been modified.  

Step 1: Select your project and prepare your workbook for approval

The guidelines established for selecting your project and preparing your project workbook should be followed as written. These guidelines can be found here.  

Step 2: Upload your completed Project Proposal

Complete your Eagle Scout Project Proposal to this link.  Only Submit the proposal pages from the Eagle Scout Workbook along with the Fundraising application, if applicable. File size limit for submission is 10MB. By submitting your proposal you are confirming that your project proposal has been approved by your unit leadership as well as the beneficiary of the project.  

Step 3: Receipt and notification of Project Proposal

By submitting your project proposal, you, your unit leader, and the District Advancement Chair or designee will be notified that your proposal has been submitted.

Step 4: Meeting with District Advancement Chair to discuss the Project Proposal

Within 30 days of the Project Proposal being received, the District Advancement Chair or designee will contact the Scout to discuss the proposal.  A meeting will be set up either virtually or by phone and will include appropriate adult supervision to follow the BSA’s Youth Protection Policies online.

Step 5: Proposal is Approved or Denied for Revision

Following the meeting with the District Advancement Chair or designee, the project proposal will either be approved so that the Scout can begin working or denied with instructions for revision.