Program Fee Study Report and Webinar Recording

Since January, an ad hoc committee of volunteer leaders from each district in the Council has been meeting to discuss whether to implement a program fee in the New Birth of Freedom Council.  The ad hoc committee decided that implementing a straight across-the-board program fee (an additional fee assessed to every registered member) was not the best approach for our council.  

Instead, the committee developed a plan that allows units to do their “fair share” in supporting the council financially through their participation in council-wide product sales (popcorn and nuts or camp cards), and Friends of Scouting contributions. The committee felt this was the best approach for our council. The Council’s Executive Board unanimously approved this plan on July 7.

To explain this decision, why it was necessary, and how it will impact your unit, unit leaders were invited to attend a webinar on July 20 at 7 PM. If you missed the webinar, you can watch it by following the link below. We welcome and strongly encourage every unit to watch the webinar to be familiar with the information. 

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