Hershey Friends of Scouting Breakfast – Postponed

Hershey Friends of Scouting attendees and table hosts,

As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees are our top priority. We know there are questions and concerns about how COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, that will affect local Scouting programs in the New Birth of Freedom Council. Please know that we are monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 both locally and through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

We have carefully reviewed the current public health guidance, including Governor Tom Wolf’s request that that people refrain from non-essential travel and refrain from going to recreational activities in public places at this critical time.  With this in mind, all in-person Council and District events, activities, and meetings between Friday, March 13 through Tuesday, March 31, will be postponed or canceled.  This decision reflects an abundance of caution and concern for the health of our Scouts, Scouters, and families and to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Unfortunately, the Hershey Breakfast falls within this time frame, and we are saddened to report that we will not be able to come together as planned on March 19th.  We had a great program to share with you.  Since this decision was made and due to the uncertainty of the spread of the virus, we have not yet completed any plans as far as if we will have a rescheduled date for April or May 2020 with the Hershey Lodge.  But we did want to share this current status with you, and thank you for your support of our Scouting programs.  With the interruption of programming due to the outbreak, know that your support is very much needed and much appreciated.  If you have not yet made your contribution, you can contact your table host or send your pledge or payment to the New Birth of Freedom Council at 1 Baden Powell Lane, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.

For more information and future updates on our council’s response, please go to https://newbirthoffreedom.org/covid-19.  If you have any questions about this year’s Hershey Event, please contact Roger Chatell at 717-620-4515 or Roger.chatell@scouting.org

Please continue to watch our website and social media posts for updates about rescheduling this year’s event.

Thank you for your understanding and your investment in Scouting!

The Hershey Friends of Scouting Breakfast Committee



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