
2020 Camp Card Sale Update

Updated 3-25-20 The 2020 Camp Card Sale had a rocky start as the spread of the coronavirus led to closures shortly after the cards arrived.  Our priority is to make sure that all Scouts and their families are safe and healthy and events and activities do not jeopardize either.  Many units have questions about this...

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Learn. Challenge. Lead. – Building your Unit Leadership

As we are all impacted by restrictions from the COVID-19 virus, let’s take this opportunity to polish our skills as leaders this month and take advantage of some free online training offered by the BSA.  Set aside a few hours each week and before you know it, you’ll be fully up to speed and ready...

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#Scoutingathome with the New Birth of Freedom Council

As school closures enter the second week, we have connected with some great Scouters to bring families and Scout leaders thoughts of what you can do with your Scouts at home.  Watch these videos with your Scouts and family or plan to turn them into a great activity that you can do at home.  ...

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Conducting Virtual Scouting Meetings

Can my unit/patrol/den conduct virtual meetings?  YES!! With an uncertain timeline for when regular meetings will resume, the question has come up about units being able to conduct virtual meetings.  Can a unit conduct a virtual meeting?  Yes.  Before you get started though it is important that both leaders and Scouts are familiar with the...

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Rank Advancement and the Coronavirus (COVID 19)

There have been numerous questions raised about how advancement will be impacted if the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to interrupt a unit’s ability to have Scouting Programs.  There are ways that the program and advancement can continue.  Please, read the information below.  You can also download this document and share it with others. Questions and Answers...

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30 Day Scouting Challenge

Looking for a fun way to keep your Scout’s Cub Scout Skills sharp?  Check out these awesome 30 Day Challenges!  These challenges are simple and easy to do as a family!  Share pictures to your family and friends of you and your family completing the challenges! Each Cub Scout Rank has a great, age-appropriate challenge...

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Carlisle Merit Badge College Weekend 2 – Postponed

With the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, St. Patrick’s School is no longer available to us on April 4.  A back-up date of May 2 was reserved for the college in the event that inclement weather had forced a similar postponement.  Therefore, the second session of the Carlisle Merit Badge College is tentatively rescheduled to be...

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Hershey Friends of Scouting Breakfast – Postponed

Hershey Friends of Scouting attendees and table hosts, As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees are our top priority. We know there are questions and concerns about how COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus, that will affect local Scouting programs in the New Birth of Freedom Council. Please...

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In the Shadows of 1864 Camporee – POSTPONED

“In the Shadows of 1864 Camporee” – POSTPONED Given the current and on-going uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and how social distancing and group meeting limitations will effect the delivery of our program, we will be postponing this camporee indefinitely. The camporee will still be held in the future, on a date not yet determined. We have...

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